Sunday, July 5, 2020

'It Rained here on the road to Mountain'

'It Rained here on the road to Mountain'

You could tell it rained, because of the wet small dry grass, leaves, branches of Deodars and Pine trees that have turned deep brown in color were laying on the both sides of the road...

You could tell it rained here, because of rain drops were still falling on us from the branches of the Deodars and Pine trees...

The odd, fine and chilled drop that touched your skin gave you small shiver tells you that, it rained here....

The clouds passing through these roads coming from down hill and going upwards passing through your Soul tells you that, it rained here...

The wet wind with some drops of water when touches your face and your body tells you that, it rained here....

The birds are still chirping and still trying to get themselves dry tells you that, it rained here...

The greenery you feel from Nature tells you that, it trained here...

It is just you and your Soul which feels this rain and warmness of this beautiful 'Temple of Nature' where this Soul of Nature lives.

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